Oak Creek Historical Society

Boy Scout Troop 218 Restores Walkways and Benches

In April of 2020, the Oak Creek Historical Society was contacted via email by a young man, Spencer Barribeau. Spencer mentioned he is a member of Troop 218, a Scout BSA group based in Oak Creek. He was pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout and needed to find a project to accomplish this.
Spencer’s initial email emphasized the effort needed to obtain this highest honor, “Among various other requirements needed to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, is the ability to plan, fund and lead to complete a community service project. In the past, other scouts have built benches, playgrounds and constructed gardens. However, projects don't have to be exclusively focused on construction. For example, a past eagle project had been to assemble and ship care packages for troops deployed overseas. “
After a few meetings with Spencer and his adult leaders at our museum complex, it was decided that the stone paths were in need of restoration along with the eight park benches (which were built as another Eagle Scout project some years ago). Spencer and his dedicated crew tackled the labor-intensive tasks of digging out and replacing all the gravel in the paths and sanded and repainted the benches.
The results were fabulous, making a huge impact on the looks of the grounds.
It is also a condition of these projects that the benefiting organization does not have to pay anything for this work—truly icing on the cake!
We look forward to showing this upgrade to visitors in 2021.
Thank you, Spencer and Crew!!