Oak Creek Historical Society

​ 2023 Special Events
June 18, 2023 – 2:00 pm
“Oak Creek, Wisconsin Through Time”
Jim Cech – Author
Jim Cech a long-time resident of Oak Creek writes about the heart and soul of Oak Creek, Wisconsin which has lived up to its "City of Balance" moniker through the decades by meshing agriculture with industry to produce a bustling municipality while still maintaining a small city attitude. It is a unique place where pro-union liberals teamed with anti-establishment conservatives to save their city from being annexed and wiped off the map in 1955.
July 2, 2023 - 2:00 pm
“Women Who Dared”
Jessica Michna as HERSELF
In this program you will learn of women (and men) who championed the cause of women’s suffrage in this country and overseas in the late 19th and early 20th century. You will learn of the protests, jailing’s, victories and defeats culminating with the signature of President Woodrow Wilson that would forever give women the right to vote.
August 20, 2023 – 2:00 pm
Oak Creek's losses in WW2 and Vietnam
Tom Mueller – Author and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Tom Mueller has been reporting on the Ultimate Sacrifice and soldiers of all wars for nearly 40 years, first for the Milwaukee Sentinel and then via four books. In the past four years, Mueller has researched, catalogued and written about nearly 700 war deaths for the Honor Roll project at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center. The project is now about two-thirds complete. Tom will share with us his knowledge of the six Oak Creek deaths in WWII and five in Vietnam. Afterwards we will take a short walk to the cemetery where we will visit the tombstone of Vanderweg.